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About the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative


From 2000 to 2004, the US Commission on Ocean Policy (USCOP) and the Pew Oceans Commission developed recommendations to improve ocean governance. With Meridian’s guidance and leadership, the Commissions’ former members established JOCI to bring those recommendations to fruition in 2005.

Today, the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative (JOCI) engages in ocean policy reform to advance coordinated and comprehensive ocean management. Meridian Institute serves as the secretariat, helping JOCI to identify, communicate, and actualize bipartisan ocean policy solutions that safeguard the ocean environment and bolster the economy.

JOCI's Work

Since JOCI was established in 2005, it has pursued three primary bodies of work:

  • JOCI convenes the ocean community to update and refine JOCI’s policy priorities. For example, the 2017 Ocean Action Agenda was informed by regional roundtables and details JOCI’s recommendations for maintaining the ecological balance and economic productivity of our oceans and coasts.
  • JOCI’s bipartisan group of senior ocean policy leaders guide the realization of policy recommendations.
  • JOCI educates and mobilizes leaders in Congress and the Administration, raises public awareness of ocean policy issues, and coordinates with the ocean community to generate collective impact.

This multifaceted approach creates meaningful ocean policy reform and action that is owned by diverse stakeholders, refined with the wisdom of experienced leaders, and enacted collaboratively to ensure long-term results.

Leadership Council

The Joint Initiative is guided by a highly respected, bipartisan Leadership Council.